Saturday, February 14, 2009

Katoomba, New South Wales (The Blue Mountains)

February 13, 2009

In an effort to find some great walking tracks and see some koalas we have headed for the Blue Mountains. They are called that because eucalyptus trees emit oil that can cause a blue tint in the air on a clear day. Koalas eat only eucalyptus and this would be a great spot to see one.

Besides I once almost got bitten by a very poisonous snake and fell off a cliff near here so I have some fond memories.

Of course, by the time we get there the rain has followed us and the fog is so thick we can’t see the road much less then the famous views. The high temperature has plunged to about 13C (55F). The outlook for the next five days is the same.

Really disappointed now we find a cheap motel, that will let us dry out our stuff, and plan for the next day. Had pizza and watched TV in the room if you are interested.

1 comment:

  1. I'm on to you, guys! And this blogging thing is a first for me!Who says you can't teach an old monkey new tricks!

